Organisational Workshops
Organisation and Leadership Development
Leadership: To lead, one must be willing to take up one’s authority and leverage personal & organisational resources to accomplish a task. The challenge is to understand ourselves well enough to discover where we can use our leadership gifts to serve others.
Followership: The complexities and diverse dimensions of organisational life mean that, to get things done, you need to enlist the support of others and build your network. What does it mean to be a good follower, especially in an age in which we look down on respect for seniority and formal hierarchies?
To Accomplish? Leaders work to accomplish a task. Without clarity, the task is unfocussed. role contribution is ill defined, and Group Dynamics may become anti-task. They balance effectively: work and life; contribution and reward, sameness and difference; direction and service.
Organisational Constellations
The Constellation method gives participants an opportunity to delve below the surface of organization life and personal career choices to explore dynamics that are often hidden or out of awareness. It provides insightful and creative ways of seeing and experiencing in new ways, long-standing problems and opens up possibilities for deep, personal and organizational development.
Learning Groups: These clinics provide an opportunity for people to learn how to do organisation constellations for use in either coaching or consultancy. The clinics do not provide an accredited training but provide learning and supervision for : constellators and those wishing to apply a systemic psychodynamic approach to organisations.
Open Workshops: These provide an opportunity for people to explore issues they or their clients face in their careers and organisations
Closed Workshops: These are for organisations who want a particular issue explored in more confidential surroundings than are feasible in open workshops.