Colette has a small private practice and works as a supervisor and a trainer with the Irish Group for Systemic Constellation Work. She is director of the Family Systems Training Program with Constellations India (Spandau) in Bangalore. She has taught on the H Dip in Psychodynamic Studies, the Masters in Integrative Psychotherapy and the Masters in Social work at University College Cork, Ireland. Her research area is addiction. In organizational consultancy her interest lies in the organization’s unseen dynamics both present and intergenerational and the family dynamics that drive and operate within family business.
She studied with Bert Hellinger in Austria & Germany, with Hunter Beaumont and international faculty at Zist and Cloister Bernried in Germany, with Stephan Hausner at his intensive international training. Her systemic family constellation training started at the Hellinger Institute of Britain’s first training course. Her organizational training was done in Holland at the Hellinger Institute of the Netherlands. Colette works as a mental health professional offering Equine assisted psychotherapy through Eagala USA which sets the global standard for Equine Assisted psychotherapy and personal development.
Sebastian Green
Sebastian is a Leadership Coach and Strategy Consultant. He specialises in Strategy and Organisation Development and has a particular interest in applying insights from Psychodynamic Approaches, Systems Thinking, Group Relations and Anthropology to this work. He has extensive experience of working with senior executives in Ireland, India, the UK and New Zealand.
Sebastian is Professor Emeritus of Management at University College Cork (UCC) having been Head of the Department of Management and Marketing there until 2012. He was formerly Executive Dean of the Faculty of Commerce. Before coming to UCC he worked in Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and at London Business School
Sebastian studied: Economics and Political Science at Trinity College Dublin and at University of California, Santa Barbara; Social Anthropology at Sussex University; Integrative Psychotherapy at UCC; Psychoanalytic approaches to Consultation and the Organisation at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust; and Executive Coaching at Tavistock Consulting, London.
Sebastian serves on the editorial team of the Knowing Field and Social Transformation and Change and is an International Editorial Adviser to PM World today, Project Management eJournal, US.
Holly graduated with a B.Sc in Genetics (Hons) from University College Cork, followed by a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, which was funded by the Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology (IRCSET).
Her doctoral research focused on the effect of inflammation on the developing brain and her post-doctoral research at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, investigated the neuroimmunological aspects of Depression and Parkinsonism.